
Crisis Management

What is Crisis?

Crisis refers to an unexpected unplanned situation or threat that suddenly dawns upon a business/ individual out of nowhere. Threats to reputation are not uncommon, and when they appear, it is best to be prepared. A crisis situation not only hampers the day-to-day functioning but also threatens the very stability of the organization. In this age of the internet, the threat roams now more than ever.
Plan and Recover

CM refers to a procedure that involves planning to recover from a certain crisis.

Prevention Strategies

We make sure to provide you with designed prevention strategies for crisis resolution.

Quick Decision Making

This requires quick decision-making, implementation, and effective management.

Implement and Manage

We manage your crisis before it’s too late and we can help you get back on your feet.


Types Of Crisis

Organizational Misdeeds

A crisis of organizational misdeeds arise when the management makes certain decisions without knowing the harmful consequences. This may include a crisis of deception, a crisis of misconduct, etc.

Crisis from Rumours

An organization may face an existential crisis due to the spread of false information about it. Rumors can tarnish the reputation and negatively impact audience perception.

Crisis from Slander

Sometimes a crisis may arise suddenly by character assasination without you having the slightest hint about it. Such a situation requires swift decision-making in order to protect your name or image.

Reputational Risks in Businesses

Image is a vital component to every business. Threats can come from misunderstandings, negative PR, and more. Everyone needs to make sure that firm is represented in the right light by them and should know how to protect a brand image.

Loss of Credibility

Reputation damage can lead to a loss of credibility, as loss of credibility leads to lack of trust. Stakeholders of a firm with a good reputation are less likely to believe in any kind of reputation damaging information. On the other hand, a firm with several reputational risks, only 15% of stakeholders will believe positive information, versus 57% of stakeholders believing negative information after hearing it once or twice.

Revenue Loss

Since your online reputation is a crucial aspect in the success of your business, reputation damage can lead to revenue loss. Customers always go with a business that has good customer service for their own convenience. 17% of the consumers rejected brands with a negative brand image and did not use their business for any purchase. A business with a good reputation can have 7-9 % extra profit.

Daily Business Operations Disruption

With any business damage, daily business operation disruption is an apparent problem. Any reputation damage could lead the firm to increase the cost of hiring employees. A reputation damage crisis can cause the business to take a new approach to business practices or even entire business models, which can lead to more distress. Optimizing daily practices can lead to bigger profits.

Loss of Investors and Stakeholders

Any company with a negative reputation is likely to lose the number of investors or stake. As Reputational Damage increases liquidity risk resulting in loss of capital and investments. A reputation crisis is a really difficult situation for any company to be caught in. Not only does it affect the company's brand reputation but even worse, it also tends to cost the company a lot of money.

Understanding Crisis Management

How Crisis Can Disrupt Your Functioning?

When things go wrong in crisis, your entire company suffers. The old adage “all press is good press” isn’t exactly true when it comes to crisis because crisis actually disrupts your functionality. It totally messes with you in all areas of your business.

  • 01These days, the world is full of potential crises that were never there before, as social media has made us all vulnerable.
  • 02When people have access to all the information they want from multiple websites, they know when something’s off with your company.
  • 03Your online perception relies on a strong foundation of trust, and without it, you won’t stand a chance in reaching your target audience.

It’s known that a crisis can destroy businesses and damage reputations. The ability to quickly resolve a crisis is an indication of whether a business is facing a failure or not.

crisis dispute

Prepare for a Crisis Now

The Internet has allowed anyone to form an opinion about any person, business's products and services. If that opinion is not positive, it becomes easy to spread across the web. Crisis Management is a simple way for corporations and individuals to encourage a positive image and suppress negative information that could harm their brand image to avoid any crisis.

  • 01Unprepared strategies during a Crisis may reflect inaptness
  • 02Any online information is perpetual. Consequently, any damage to brand image will last forever.
  • 03Businesses are based on trust and credibility, any reputation blunder may reduce credibility.
Crisis Management Prepration

Crisis Assessment

No one can afford to be completely unprepared for a crisis. While there is no such thing or a system that can prevent your business from having one, you can make sure the impact of a crisis on your business is minimized.

Readiness and Awareness

A good starting point would be to build and maintain readiness and awareness for potential crises and company-wide shifts in sentiment.

Organize and Analyse

Crisis Assessment organizes and analyzes the information that takes place upon receiving negative feedback or detection of risks that threaten .

Crisis Assesment
Protect your Brand from a Crisis Scenario

Crisis Assessment Elements

Any drastic negative change in public perception about a company or an individual qualifies as a crisis. There are ample reasons that can affect a reputation such as : scandals, misbehaviour, complaints or displeased consumer reports, scam etc.A crisis can erupt and result in bad news and lost sales online and off—unless you’re prepared. All of this begins with a simple assessment to establish the areas which are most at risk to an incident, and therefore should be focussed on. We take into account factors such as unique selling points, what makes you stand out from the crowd.

This includes steps such as:

  • 01Competitor Analysis which includes analysis of all your competitors that may act as a threat to you and your business.
  • 02Sentiment Analysis which includes analyzing sentiment of your audience which may get affected by the crisis.
  • 03Situational Analysis includes assessing any previous situational crisis caused by any factor and many more other factors affecting.

Threat Analysis

A Threat Assessment determines which elements are part of the system to be analyzed.

Trend Analysis

A Trend Analysis is an attempt to identify the environment to improve crisis communication.

Media Monitoring

Media Monitoring is an attempt to understand the audience’s voice and sentiment.

Damage Cantrol
Ensure your reputation is protected

Damage Control

Reputation Damage Control is when a negative piece of information about a company, resulting in reputation damage, is spread on the internet it can do extreme damage to its credibility. To avoid any further damage and repair the existing reputation, Damage Control Services are rendered after managing a crisis.

It's easy to assume that your reputation is set in stone, but that's not the case. Reputation Damage Control is a necessary part of every entity as a single incident can result in your reputation being damaged to the point where clients, customers or the public are no longer willing to communicate with you. This could result in a loss of business, personal image damage, employee turnover, and even a drop in stock price.

Why is Damage Control Necessary?

Reputation damage control is an important part of managing your online reputation. Your reputation says a lot about you, and if it has been damaged, your business and life may be negatively affected. When you manage your online reputation, you should use professionals to ensure your reputation is being protected and repaired properly.

The best way to handle a reputation damage control strategy is to have a plan in place before a damaging event occurs. This way, you will be prepared to hit the ground running once the damaging event has occurred, rather than having to scramble to find a solution.

 damage cantrol

Activities to Control the Damage

CryptoMize works on these activities to control any aftermath of a crisis.

Controlled Interactivity

Interactivity refers to any activity or conversation that may happen on any digital platform and conversation that may hamper your activity on any social media platform.

Dialogue Control

We believe that Dialogue may control the outcome of a conversation and Dialogue control is necessary to steer a story in a desired direction.

Media Management

CryptoMize is a Media Management solution that allows you to maintain control while also navigating the storm - all in one location. As a result, customers may focus on their daily tasks since their safety has been ensured by us.

Your Reputation and Crisis Management

Crisis Communication

Crisis Communication is a kind of risk management process which is undertaken to address any damage to a reputation. Whenever a company or an individual is under a risk, creating a narrative or dialogue to address a situation is our top priority. With this, we prioritize the objectives to gather data and information, coordinate with our clients and work from their perspective. This type of response is highly reactive in nature and always takes place after a crisis. At CryptoMize, we make sure that our client is heard by the targeted audience to avoid any risk to their brand image.

crisis communication

How Do We Manage a Crisis?

Our Crisis Management Plan provides overall development to your online public perception. We identify, evaluate, and implement rapid containment strategies to avoid social-media-based crises before they begin. We'll then devise a plan to regain your company's reputation in the public eye. CryptoMize offers services including content creation and distribution, monitoring of social media, blogging etc.


Our initial strategies include assembling a professional crisis management team for crisis resolutions. Our team of professionals assess your unguarded focal points and strategize according to your vulnerabilities.

Since the extent of the crisis will determine the severity of what is required, it is sometimes useful to take the time to pre-plan how to deal with the crisis, thus enabling a more successful resolution. This does not mean to go in completely cold and unprepared, but to have a framework to follow and to have considered the potential issues.


By assessing each of the components, we evaluate elements that may have caused reputation damage. To evaluate the extent of the damage, our crisis manager looks for existing issues that may have contributed to the crisis, as well as things that might arise from it. So that when a crisis is brewing, we are able to assess it for you and help you figure out our branding strategies and many more ORM services.

Once we have collected all the information they need, their job is to develop a plan that will repair the damage done to your company's reputation, how you communicate about the issue, and what services you'll use to get the job done.


Strategies that are used by our crisis managers for managing a crisis can be grouped under two categories namely the proactive crisis management strategies and the reactive crisis management strategies.

Proactive Crisis Management Strategy

This strategy is implemented when the crisis is not yet created. When a crisis is looming, it is better to take the necessary steps in order to avert it from happening. The steps that are taken are in order to avert the crisis.

Reactive Crisis Management Strategy

We acknowledge the fact that to manage a crisis, creation of appropriate, responsive and desirable content creation is necessary:


Any step is worthless without monitoring. We take a proactive and integrated approach to reputation management. We look at all the factors that impact your online reputation. We monitor everything from news coverage to blogs and social media. And we work with you to become the go-to expert in your field.

Our final phase strategies include monitoring of:

To analyze the public's perception and their sentiments on your actions. Our purpose is to ensure that our client maintains a risk-free reputation and will not attract any further reputation damage. By monitoring the public's reaction to our practices, we can catch any potential crises before they get out of hand. Monitoring public reaction will also allow you to take advantage of positive public opinion, making it easier for you to expand your business or spread your message.

Our Goals

Trust and Credibility

Trust and Credibility

For a brand or a company, reputation is the most crucial asset they have. It is what differentiates them from their competitors, and how they are perceived by the wider audience is of great importance.The trust and credibility generated by crisis management services are the first steps to a positive reputation.
Preventive Strategies

Preventive Strategies

A disaster or crisis or emergency is something that happens suddenly and unexpectedly that causes great harm or loss. Although there is no great guarantee that you will not get into a crisis, you can be prepared for it. By being prepared, you will be able to face it with a sense of calmness and come out on top
Depiction of Proactiveness

Depiction of Proactiveness

An effective crisis management strategy includes proactive efforts to avoid crises. A respectable business must have an effective crisis management strategy since reputable companies tend to experience reputation crises. This is one of the reasons why every respectable company should have online reputation management.
Stronger Communication Skill

Stronger Communication Skill

Strong communication skills are the key to any successful business. Great Communication skills help an organization to be efficient in their job and also makes them communicate with others in an appropriate way. Our crisis management services can help you in managing the reputation of the entities in a proper way.
Asist Damage Control

Assist Damage Control

Reputation management is almost always about managing crisis: the sooner you respond to a negative event, the better chance you have of controlling damage to your reputation. The longer you wait, the more likely your silence will cause rumors and speculation. We can offer you services that can reduce risk elements to a great extent
Perception Enhancement

Perception Enhancement

Whether it’s a product recall or an issue with a customer, when a company faces a crisis, its reputation can suffer. A crisis situation can hamper your business activities and can turn out to be a PR disaster. With a plan to improve your reputation,our crisis management services can help you sail through any reputational strom.


Frequently Asked Questions

Any business has a crisis from time to time, but the key to successfully managing a crisis is recognizing one as soon as possible. When you have a crisis or disaster, there are several things you can do to minimize the damage.

  • Be prepared. Make sure your staff is trained and has a good working knowledge of whatever it is you're dealing with. If someone has forgotten something, don't assume that it's just a matter of finding it. Ask someone else to find it and ask them not to interrupt the person who forgot it in the first place.
  • Don't panic. Panic can be contagious, so don't let it spread through your business ranks. Even if there's no way for you to fix what's going on, do your best to maintain control of your staff and keep everyone calm while you try to figure out what you're going to do next. There will likely be many decisions that need to be made, so keep track of them all. Don't forget about the customers who are affected by your disaster or crisis either — they are just as important as the people who work for you!
  • Be ready for more crises. We all know how bad news travels quickly in the digital world, but even if you get off easy this time around, there will probably be another crisis within six months or so, so be ready for it when it happens.

While the elements of an effective crisis management plan may vary by industry and should be adjusted to each firm, We have observed that any effective strategy will include the following:
Scenarios Planning: Scenarios planning Creating a list of possible crisis situations will assist you in preparing for whatever may occur.
Adaptive Responses: Having a variety of solutions that can be adjusted to practically any situation your business may face enables you to respond swiftly and correctly in the event of a crisis.
Activation guidelines: Identity carefully what makes a crisis. Determine when and how the crisis plan should be implemented, as well as who will make the call to enter crisis mode or simply wait it out.
Crisis response teams and command structure: Clearly define each team member's roles in the event of a crisis. There should be no doubt about who is responsible for what, who will speak to the media, and who can take time away from their regular jobs to focus on the current crisis.
Pre-approved communication strategy and messaging: This should include not just who will serve as the organization's spokesmen, but also the communication platforms they will use and the important messages they should deliver.
Regular simulation exercises: A plan is only beneficial if it can be implemented. Regular (but unplanned) testing should be conducted to determine response times and the strategy's ability to be implemented effectively.
Post-crisis review: Regardless of how well prepared you are, things rarely go according to plan. After a crisis, it is critical for organizational leaders to regroup and perform a detailed study of what went well and what could be improved. Ensure that any findings are included in a new crisis management plan.

Social media plays an important role in crisis communications, but it is not the only tool you can use. I’m talking about social media as a way to communicate your story and share your outreach with the world.
There are various ways to use social media in crisis response.
Sharing information about victims and disasters is one way to reach out to those affected.
Empowering those directly affected by the disaster is another tactic. For example, if you can offer shelter and other forms of support, it’s better than nothing at all. This helps them feel like they matter and that their lives will improve. It also helps them feel like they belong and that they're not alone — two primary emotions we tend to associate with positivity during an emergency.
The most powerful way social media can be used is as a news source. You can use Twitter or Facebook as a news outlet, providing information people need during an emergency so they know what's going on and who's dealing with it.

The crisis: Regardless of the business in which you work, there will undoubtedly come a time when something gets out of hand and risks damage from your brand's public image. This could include a variety of situations, including natural disasters, competition trash talk/mudslinging, slews of negative reviews/customer allegations, or a severe blunder and/or inadequate management of a situation by your organization.
The management: How a business responds to a crisis. The strategic plan that the entire organization follows in order to address, resolve, and recover from a crisis while aiming to maintain the company's brand.
The reality of the crisis management strategy can and does vary significantly depending on the business and the nature of the crisis. Ultimately, though, every business should strive to be honest, communicatively responsive, human, and accepting of criticism when necessary without being overly defensive.

Crisis communication is the process by which an organization communicates with its stakeholders (customers, employees, vendors, suppliers, the public at large) during times of crisis. Every organization has a different crisis communication plan that includes specific actions for handling threats or actual crises. However, the basic steps are the same.
The Role of Crisis Communication
Crisis communication is one of the most versatile tools available to any organization. It can assist in protecting your organization’s brand and reputation; ensuring that critical information reaches key personnel; keeping key personnel informed, and minimizing damage to operations and finances.

Companies create crisis management plans in a variety of methods. Occasionally on the spot, as an incident develops. Others construct them in advance, either as part of a regulatory exercise or as a result of a risk management exercise or something similar. For me, the critical point to remember is that relatively few people look for a plan during a crisis. The majority of people reach for the memories of an experience that matches most closely to what they can see. Planning's significance is far greater in the process than in the document. On this basis, We believe that the most successful businesses develop crisis management plans after rehearsing (exercising) against the risks they confront. Exercising provides people with a firm reference point, it helps them become acquainted with the other people they will be working with, and it acclimates them to the stress that a written plan cannot communicate. Consider the most significant risks you face, the impact such situations will have on your organization (people, environment, assets, and reputation), and determine what countermeasures you can implement to meet any regulatory requirements. Maintain a straightforward approach.

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