
Competition Management

Know more. Win more.

Competition Intelligence

Political Intelligence is the ability to understand what your competitors are doing so that you can more effectively take your game to the next level. Political Intelligence helps you stay ahead of the curve and stay in the game when it comes to politics, since you can look at other people's actions and figure out how they are getting what they want out of their government and fellow citizens. Competition Intelligence is information that helps candidates and political parties determine how they are doing in competitive environments.

Open & Analyze

The goal of competition intelligence is to identify relevant trends and opportunities while constantly assessing potential risks and rewards.

Get the edge with CI

Information from rivals, volunteers, digital data, and other sources is utilized to assess a party's performance and distribute resources.

Perception and crises Management

Perception is the “process by which individuals select, organize, and interpret the input from their senses to give meaning and order to the world around them.” Cryptomize will give you all the information and make this process available to you.

In various ways, perception management combines truth projection, operations security, cover and deception, and psychological operations. "Perception" is defined as the "process by which individuals select, organize, and interpret the input from their senses to give meaning and order to the world around them".

Perception and crises Management


Political campaigns are nowadays dominated by data driven techniques. Competition Monitoring involves monitoring key indicators of a campaign to determine its strategic direction.

Campaign monitoring

Monitoring one’s competitor’s campaign strategy and techniques during an election gives you an edge over your competitor.

Competitive Offering

It is important to adopt a comparative methodology and analyse one’s competitive offering in comparison to the competitor.

Key competitor's Progress

A candidate must keep a track of their key competitor’s progress which will help the candidate to identify strengths and failures.

Perceptual Mapping

Perceptual mapping is a means for determining the behavior of your competitor and anticipating your competitor’s strategy.

Competition Research

Competition Research: Political perception management doesn‘t only involve the propaganda of its own USPs, rather it is focused on the publicity of negativity of opposition but the negativity must be concrete and evidenced

Cryptomize will help you to do that as It requires a lot of research on the same issue. It is actually based upon SWOT analysis emphasizing that the weakness of a competitor is one‘s own strength.

 Competition Research

Competition and Political Environment in Elections

In a political campaign, perception is everything. The way you are perceived by the public can make or break your chances of winning an election. This means that it is crucial to have a plan in place to manage your crisis before they happen. Before any crisis hits,Cryptomize evaluates the risks associated with each potential crisis and develops strategies to mitigate those risks.

Political perception management is a technique used by CryptoMize for corporations and political parties in which cryptomize attempt to change their image and reputation with the public. It is one of the only ways to successfully get negative information out of the mainstream media and into people's media consumption behavior.

Research Methods

Competition research includes everything from historical study to current political analysis. Monitoring and Researching one’s competitors' actions is a crucial step. Big Data Analytics is used by us to out-think and out-socialize their competition.

Digital Data Research

Digital Data Research

Digital Data Research through a fact-based research of the information available online, our team would provide information about every move of one’s competitor.

Social Media Research

Social Media Research

People use and are influenced by social media extensively. By keeping a track on social media trends, our team provides full fledged support in research..


Keyword Research

Through keyword-based research, we assure that our researchers reach and research every nook and corner related to the information available online and find the best insights.


Competition Profiling

Competitive Profiling is an approach to gather all the information on competitors to ensure your party’s victory. The strategy of competitor profiling in political campaigning is designed to win a clear election victory and to ensure that they are re-elected. The reason why profiling the competition is important is because it gives you a strategic advantage in the elections.

It has a twofold benefit; it helps identify ineffective strategies and cracks in a structure which could be vulnerable to revolution by detecting changes before they are fully implemented thereby preventing the spread of ideas or political instability.

The need to win leads political campaigners to analyse their competition. Considering the changing political scenario, the competitors move fast; hence you should be faster than them. Competitive profiling is one of the efforts that you can make to stay ahead of your competition.

Why Choose Our Political Services?

In these times of digital representations, public perception is reality. Perception and Reputation are driving the political world.

Prominent politicians and parties that are leading the world acknowledge the power of voters. Perception is an intangible asset for them and is what sets them apart from each other. We specialize in supporting innovative political candidates and political parties with online tools and services that get results.


Monitoring All Along

All of our wide-set services provide parallel monitoring.

Dominate Agenda

Be on the top of the game, stay ahead of your competitors.

Wide Outreach

Receive a wide outreach digitally to promote campaigns.

Why Competition Profiling?

Competition Profiling is extremely important to offer voters superior value by providing them with a candidate that they can relate to, someone who they feel they can believe in and trust. The goal of competition research is to gain a competitive advantage over your potential competitor.

  • Know your Competitor’s Strategy

    This is done through intense research using sources such as business magazines, legal authorities, government reports, religious propaganda and whatever else is available.

  • Competitive Intelligence

    We can increase your operational efficiencies and reduce your risk level by profiling your competitors.

  • Untangle Competitor’s Vulnerabilities

    Summarizing a competitive strategy that maximizes the strengths of your campaign while minimizing any vulnerabilities.

Hearsay Management

Hearsay Management

Cryptomize manages the rumours and stories about candidates. We work with campaigns to identify and manage the stories that are circulating in the media and online. We also work with campaigns to help craft their message, develop a strategy, and respond to negative stories or rumours.

Influence, Acceptability, Credibility

Influence Rate

The ratio of influencers to impressions. Cryptomize tells you how many people are sharing your ads compared to those who see them.

Credibility Score

An assessment of the quality of your content, based on its accuracy, relevance and timeliness. Cryptomize helps determine whether people will trust what they see in your ads.

Acceptability Score

An assessment of whether or not people find what they see acceptable or offensive based on their personal values and beliefs.Cryptomize helps determine an acceptability score.

	Political Mapping

Political Mapping

Mapping is the process of CryptoMize to determine which geographic locations in a state or country are most likely to support a candidate and then targeting them with campaign messages. Mapping can be done through a variety of techniques, such as polling and statistical analysis. CryptoMize uses mapping to determine where their time and money will be best spent during an election cycle.

Our Process

Competition Research

Competition Research

  • Competition Research is the practice of collecting information on a political opponent or other adversary that can be used to override or otherwise weaken them.
  • It includes studying biographical, legal, criminal, medical, educational, or financial history or activities, as well as prior media coverage, or the voting record of the competitor.
  • Research helps managers make strategic decisions and improve performance by understanding their strengths and weaknesses.
  • We retrieve information about them from public records, news stories, or other reliable sources. Then find out what they're doing and how they're doing it.
  • Once you have their hit rates, average position, and other metrics, use them to predict their future actions and measure their success at doing so.

Why does Competition Research matter?

The race of elections is an exhausting one, which makes studying one’s competitors' strategy rather an important step.
The more you know about your competition, the better your decision making strategy will be.


Predict Actions

Competition research can help a candidate analyse and know their competitor’s actions and thus, remains step ahead. Competitive intelligence is the ability to guess what your competition is thinking, doing, and likely to do in order to out-compete them. It's about understanding the forces that shape behavior and understanding how those forces impact each company and its competitors.


Shape Political Environment

A well done research can help to sway voters away from the competitor camp and even shape the political landscape. Competitor research methods are extensive. It includes tracking direct competitors, looking at their standards, studying legal documents and any other source material you can find.


Identifying Top Competitors

Competition research helps to identify one’s top competitors, define their actions and strategy and promise a win-win election result. Competitive intelligence is an approach to business analysis and planning that involves using actual to identify competitive advantages and disadvantages for any given option.


Competitive offering

Through carrying out a comparative study, a candidate can calculate their competitive offering and make changes to their action plan according to it.


Strategize election policy

Competition research not only helps with winning elections but also helps to strategize on ‘how to win the election.


Competition Monitoring

  • Political Competition Monitoring involves monitoring of the performance of political players in an electoral process, as well as the conduct of business activities by political parties/individuals in the democratic process.
  • This can include identifying potential market conditions that could permit potential gains for a company or individual, as well as monitoring potential losses due to unwarranted actions by other players in the political process.
  • Political Competition Monitoring is essential for parties and candidates who want to be elected. Monitoring involves putting together a statistical profile of political parties and candidates based on their profile of party members, their activities, contributions and expenditures.
  • Competitive monitoring can help identify potential problems before they become big problems for the candidate, and it can help identify emerging trends that can be effectively exploited by competitors.

Competition Intelligence Methods

Changing Politics with Competition Intelligence

Political Intelligence

It is critical to monitor one's own performance on a continuous and real-time basis. As part of our intelligence services, we would provide the candidate with information that would assist them in analysing their performance and taking appropriate action.

Threat Intelligence

Elections are a lengthy process. New threats arise every single day. This makes threat checking rather a very important step. We ,here, would help you measure potential threats from opposition and situations and help in damage control.

Tactical Intelligence

The only way to win the game of elections is to study competitor’s tactics and practise counter- tactic technique. We,here, at CryptoMize can help you to know the details about your competitor`s actions and provide you with the best strategy. to work upon.

Competition Analysis

Competition Analysis is often used in strategic planning to help identify a potential competitive advantage. It can help you identify the opportunities that exist around, allowing you to dominate elections all-thorough.

A competitive analysis provides the necessary foundation for political campaigning. It can also help you engage voters as well as prevent your competitors from doing the same .Information is your secret weapon. Competitive analysis will give you the edge that you need to stay ahead of your competition.
  • Strengths
  • Weaknesses
  • Recognize threats
  • Identify Opportunities
Stay informed to foresee changes in your environment and turn it into advantage, strategize effectively and maintain an informational edge over your rivals.

Why Competition Intelligence matters?

Political competition intelligence can help you win and lose an election much more effectively than information warfare. Intelligence gathering is vital in today’s world, Political Competition Intelligence involves understanding how others think and how they make decisions. If you are able to identify this kind of information, then you will be better able to predict what other people are planning and doing in order to benefit yourself and your business.

Political intelligence is the ability to perfectly assess your competition’s motivations so that you can more effectively achieve your goals. It shows you exactly where everything stands with your business rivals, enabling you to stay one step ahead of them and remain at the top of your industry. Political intelligence is knowledge of how politicians, government officials, political parties, and the media operate. The more you know about this stuff, the better your chances are of advancing your political agenda.

Why Competition Intelligence matters?

Elements of Competition Analysis

Social Analytics

Through social analytics, our team would analyse competitors every move. We would focus on how the competitor is engaging with the voters and on what issues they are engaging in.

Acquisition Pattern Analytics

Our team keeps a close check on competitor’s every move and strategy so that we can design a policy as per the requirement for you with an aim of pursuing their voter.

Statergy Assesment

We would minutely assess comepttior’s strategies. This would help the candidate strategize in a better and effective manner.

Review Analytics

Keeping a close eye on daily challenges, strategies and plans, we here at Cryptomize constantly review competitors every move.

Why does Competition Analysis matter?

Political competition intelligence can help you win and lose an election much more effectively than information warfare. Intelligence gathering is vital in today’s world, Political Competition Intelligence involves understanding how others think and how they make decisions. If you are able to identify this kind of information, then you will be better able to predict what other people are planning and doing in order to benefit yourself and your business.

Political intelligence is the ability to perfectly assess your competition’s motivations so that you can more effectively achieve your goals. It shows you exactly where everything stands with your business rivals, enabling you to stay one step ahead of them and remain at the top of your industry. Political intelligence is knowledge of how politicians, government officials, political parties, and the media operate. The more you know about this stuff, the better your chances are of advancing your political agenda.

Make Your Strategy, A Reality

Our Goals

Monitor and Research

With the help of our researchers, our goal is to observe every move of the competitor and provide a solution to it.


Based on the research, we here at Cryptomize would analyze the scenario with complete accuracy for you and help you analyse the situation and predict.

Win the Election

Through a fact based research method, we can help you win hearts and through that win the election race.



Frequently Asked Questions

1. Create some pointers on how to deal with competitors.
2. Conduct market research before launching.
3. Conduct market research before launching.
4. Recognize your past and potential competitors.
5. Determine your competitive advantage.
6. Keep an eye on your competitors.
7. Accept and play the game "The Idea Exchange".
8. Establish contact with your competition.
9. Make a strategy with your heart and mind, you can triumph.
Competitiveness is the characteristic or ability of any organization to achieve its mission, more successfully than competing organizations goods. Markets tend to be balanced by the law of supply and demand.
In a competitive market, a business has to find a way to make a profit. In politics, the government finds a way to extract a profit. The difference is subtle but important.
In a competitive market, competition means that all the profits get competed away. But in politics, competition just moves the profits around. In a competitive market for cars, one company's profit is another company's loss, because they're selling the same product. In politics, competition just means that you have to appeal to different groups of voters, and the fact that someone else is competing for the same group doesn't hurt you.
The result is that in politics, unlike in a market for real goods, there is no tendency for profits to be competed away. Instead there tends to be an equilibrium with large profits extracted from taxpayers and customers by rent-seeking businesses.
A few effective techniques for identifying direct competitors:
Market Research: Examine the market for your goods and see who else is selling similar products. Ask your sales team which competitors come up frequently in their sales process. From there, you can analyse those organisations' products and marketing activities to develop methods to outperform them.
Get Customer Feedback: Again, your customers are your immediate competitors' key. Once they've chosen your company and product, ask what other companies/products they considered. Customers often reveal unexpected competitors.
Aside from that, your sales team can question potential clients what businesses they are considering. If they haven't decided yet, knowing which businesses or products they're considering will help your team better understand their needs.
Check out online communities on Social Media or forums:
Nowadays, potential clients seek advice and suggestions on social networking sites and applications, as well as online communities like Quora and Reddit. You can learn more about your competitors by looking into their online conversations.
This is especially true for younger marketers. According to Deloitte, 50% of millennials say a friend or family member's recommendation has a significant impact on their purchasing decision. And 27% of both millennials and Gen Z believe online recommendations from friends have a significant impact on their purchasing decisions.
There are a number of reasons why political competition is vital, including the following:
1. It motivates political parties and leaders to work for the improvement of the general public.
2. There are more possibilities for all individuals when it comes to selecting the governing party and its leader.
3. Opposition to bad choices by the administration is always present among the political parties.
4. Voting for the other party in the following election allows people to make up for their mistakes.
Our team would use social analytics to track and analyse the movements of rivals. On the other hand, we would pay attention to how the competition is connecting with voters and what problems they are involved in.
We would scrutinise the tactics of our competitors in great detail. This would assist the applicant in strategizing in a more effective and efficient way.
Our staff maintains a close eye on our competitors' every move and plan so that we can build a policy for you that is tailored to your specific needs while still seeking their voter demographic.
Monitoring everyday challenges, tactics, and plans to ensure that every move made by rivals is thoroughly scrutinised.
Various parties and organisations within a society participate in political rivalry; they vie for political power under a free and competitive constitutional democratic political system such as that found in Canada, the United Kingdom, or the United States of America, for example. The primary competition for certain groups and organisations is for political power, while the primary competition for others is for political influence.

In the first place, political parties and the competition for political authority.

A political party's competition for legitimacy is a competition for the legitimate power to rule the whole political community. They strive for direct control of the government as well as the lawful right to select how and for what objectives governmental authority is to be employed. To achieve this, each political party seeks to place its own political leaders in the most important decision-making positions in the government, giving them the authority to make decisions on public policy on behalf of and in the name of the entire political society. This authority is derived from formal-legal authority to make and enforce authoritative, legally binding decisions on matters of public policy. Those running for major government positions, such as members of the legislature, and seeking their party's nomination and then election by the voters, are competing with their opponents for the right to be a formal-legal participant in the processes of authoritative decision making and action carried out by the government.

The Political Interest Groups and the Competition for Political Influence

The term "political influence" refers to a competition between different political interest groups or pressure organisations to gain political power or political influence. As a result of activities such as:
(1) Lobbying members of the legislature and officeholders in the executive branch of the government, providing them with information and persuasive arguments in successful efforts to influence their official decisions and actions.
(2) Forming political action committees that contribute money to the election campaigns of candidates for government office.
(3) Providing candidates for government office with information and persuasive arguments.
(4) Lobbying members of the legislature and officeholders in the executive branch of the government in successful efforts to influence their official decisions and actions.

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