
Communication Privacy

Maintaining Confidentiality

What is Communication Privacy ?

Communication privacy is the most important thing in today's world.We regularly communicate with each other on a regular basis and don't want communication to be leaked in the wild or other people to listen to our communication. CryptoMize's Communication privacy feature provides a set of practices for enhancing the privacy and stability of your communications networks.

Maintain Integrity

Integrity is a standard that we adhere to in all of our communications.

Communication Mediums

It secures audio, video, and data across wired and wireless networks.

What is Communication Privacy

Why is Communication Privacy Important?

  • Privacy enables us to erect barriers and manage boundaries in order to protect ourselves from unwarranted intrusion into our lives, allowing us to negotiate who we are and how we wish to interact with the world. Privacy enables us to establish perimeters around our bodies, places, and things, as well as our communications and information.
  • It is critical to safeguard communication. Communication is the most important part for anything. If communication is compromised, the confidentiality of the information will also be compromised, which may lead to data breach. The only way to accomplish this is to make privacy a personal priority and a way of life.
  • Whenever you communicate with someone else using CryptoMize service, you can be confident that your communications will be secure, confidential, and of high integrity throughout the duration of their transmission.
Why is Communication Privacy Important


With CryptoBox, you can be sure of secure communication over digital platforms.


Our Services

CryptoMize’s mission is to provide a range of services that can help keep your online communication safe and secure. We won’t let anyone compromise your security.

Email Encryption
Email encryption encrypts the content of email messages to prevent sensitive information from being read by anyone other than the intended recipients.
Private Virtual Networks helps you mask your identity on the internet, allowing you to remain anonymous so that third parties cannot track your online activities
Network Tunneling is used to transfer data while using protocols that a network does not support encapsulating packets inside other packets.
When you use our wiretapping protection, you can rest assured that any communication you have will remain confidential.

Are Your Emails Encrypted?

Email is a vulnerable medium, even more so when it is used to send messages over unsecured or public Wi-Fi networks. Even emails sent within a secure company network, including those containing your login credentials, can be intercepted by other users.
Our email encryption tool renders the content of your emails unreadable as they travel between origin and destination, ensuring that even if your messages are intercepted, the content cannot be interpreted.

CryptoMize has a highly sophisticated tool that provides Email encryption which encrypts or disguises the content of email messages to prevent potentially sensitive information from being read by anyone other than the intended recipients. Authentication is frequently included in email encryption.
Are Your Emails Encrypted

Why is Email Encryption important ?

Avoid Business Risks

While our wiretapping protection is in place, we ensure that the confidentiality and security of all conversations are protected at all times.

Protect Information

Our wiretapping protection guarantees that all conversations are held in strict confidence and are not recorded.

Nullify Replay Possibilities

Sending messages is easy. A false communication seems genuine after receiving an official one. They won't know if it's just erased.

Avoid Identity Theft

If someone gets your email server login and password, they may read your emails and send them on your behalf to Avoid Identity Theft.

Repudiate Sent Messages

Emails may be readily forged. This affects email contracts, e-commerce, and commercial communications.

Unprotected Backups

The SMTP servers save your emails for years. It can be accessed and used against you by anybody with backup files.

Being Anonymous With VPN

VPNs encrypt your internet traffic and hide your true identity on the internet. Third parties will have a harder time tracking your online activities and stealing data as a result of this. The encryption is carried out in real time. CryptoMize has created VPN tools that will help you in your communication privacy.
When you connect to the internet, your ISP usually sets up your connection. It uses your IP address to track you. Your network traffic is routed through the servers of your Internet service provider, who can log and display everything you do online.In this situation, you can count on CryptoMize for VPNs as we will not log any activity of yours and will keep your communication completely private.
Being Anonymous With VPN

Shielding Your Data From Sniffers

  • Tunnels are used in networking to transport data across a network using protocols that aren't supported by that network.
  • Encapsulating packets, or wrapping packets inside of other packets, is how tunnelling works.
  • Packets are small pieces of data that can be reassembled into a larger file at their destination.
  • Tunneling allows communication over a private network but over a public network.
  • This is useful in a business setting and offers security features like encryption.
Shielding Your Data From Sniffers

Benefits Of Network Tunneling

Tunneling is a method of transmitting data over a private network while passing through a public network as a means of transmission. When used in a corporate setting, this is particularly useful because it includes security features such as encryption options.


Because of the usage of PPTP, it is feasible to keep private information secure even while it is sent over public networks.


Tunneling protocols such as PPTP and Layer 2 Forwarding are used in conjunction with one another in this type of tunnelling protocol.

Benefits Of Network Tunneling

Capturing Packets Using Wiretapping

In communication privacy, wiretapping is the process of monitoring and capturing all data packets that pass through a network. Using wiretapping, attackers can capture data packets containing sensitive information such as your:
  • Passwords
  • PAN Card number
  • Name
  • Address
  • Passport number
  • Driving License number
  • Communication
  • OTP’s
Wiretapping can be accomplished through the use of hardware or software that has been installed on the system. A malicious intruder has the capability of capturing and analysing all network traffic.
Capturing Packets Using Wiretapping

Why is Wiretapping Protection Important?

Currently, wiretapping represents a significant threat to client-server computing. It is one of the most important steps in preventing common network attacks to identify and prevent the common network adversaries from gaining access to your network.

Digital Age

Because we are living in an era of digitalization, protecting your digital assets is essential.


Risks Involved

While working remotely, Employees must ensure that they are working from a secure network.


We can help

CryptoMize provides solutions to deal with wiretapping problems and ensures that your communication remains confidential.

Why is Wiretapping Protection Important


It is vital to protect communication. The most vital aspect of anything is communication. If communication is hampered, the confidentiality of information is jeopardised, perhaps leading to a data breach. The only way to achieve this is to make personal privacy a priority and a way of life.

We can help

CryptoMize provides solutions to deal with wiretapping problems and ensures that your communication remains confidential.

Avoid Business Risks

While our wiretapping protection is in place, we ensure that the confidentiality and security of all conversations are protected at all times.



Exhaustive Evaluation

Cryptomize assists individuals, businesses, and organisations in managing their online privacy. We have a team of professionals who undertake a thorough examination of each case and provide a thorough analysis.

Planned Structures

The key to a successful privacy enforcement service is planning, and here is where we come in. We supply you with professionals who are knowledgeable and experienced in order to provide you with the best service possible.


At CryptoMize, we provide complete transparency and clarity to our clients in order to keep you informed of our procedure. We can supply you with daily reports based on your preferences and needs.


Frequently Asked Questions

The term "encapsulated packet" simply refers to a packet that has been enclosed inside another packet. A packet that is encapsulated is one where the header and payload of the first packet are put within the payload portion of the subsequent packet while it is being sent. In this case, the payload is constructed from the original packet.
Virtual private networks (VPN) provide online privacy and anonymity by establishing an encrypted tunnel between your computer and the internet via the use of a public internet connection. A virtual private network (VPN) hides your internet protocol (IP) address, making your online activities practically untraceable. First and foremost, VPN services offer private and encrypted connections, allowing for more anonymity than even a protected Wi-Fi hotspot can give.
The aspect of control and ownership is achieved by adhering to private limits. Because it addresses the public impression of ownership over information, as well as how this presents itself in communication, this factor is critical. Petronio agrees that most people associate maintaining privacy with maintaining one's dignity and personal safety.
Businesses benefit from keeping communication private in the following ways: It promotes excellent decision-making by encouraging honest communication. By avoiding the theft of intellectual property, businesses can maintain their competitive advantages. Protecting personal information and maintaining the confidence of clients, consumers, or patients are two important goals.
Personal information may also be considered private, and information privacy regulations control the processing of personal information via the application of enforceable privacy standards. The term "confidentiality" refers solely to information.
By encouraging open and honest conversation, we can help people make better decisions. By avoiding the theft of intellectual property, businesses can maintain their competitive advantages. Protecting personal information and maintaining the confidence of clients, consumers, or patients are two important goals.

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